Following a next day site inspection our out of hours team revamped, restored & deep cleaned this internal escalator. Black scuff marks removed from side glass, litter removed from side panels, 4 aluminium entry/exit foot plates scraped from chewing gum & debris scrubbed then polished, glass washed & squeezed, stainless steel posts cleaned then polished, stickers removed, hand rails deep cleaned, steps brushed/vacuumed, sidings & middle vacuumed/brushed/mopped, side brushes wiped & polished.
Following a next day site inspection our out of hours team revamped, restored & deep cleaned this internal escalator. Black scuff marks removed from side glass, litter removed from side panels, 4 aluminium entry/exit foot plates scraped from chewing gum & debris scrubbed then polished, glass washed & squeezed, stainless steel posts cleaned then polished, stickers removed, hand rails deep cleaned, steps brushed/vacuumed, sidings & middle vacuumed/brushed/mopped, side brushes wiped & polished.
Call received 18:00 Thursday evening to meet a drainage contractor on site in Cork city 09:00 Friday morning to remove foul which has contaminated a restaurant following an overflow from a grease trap. The drainage contractor sucked the grease out of the trap and we safely removed the grease and debris which had over flowed in and around the grease tank/trap. Various processes were employed including steam and non solvent based grease breakup chemicals. Within this confined space we used our own suction equipment then removed the remaining grease and safely captured it and stored it for safe suitable disposal. Restaurant opened again at 12 noon with no business interruption.
140 Catering items moved down four floors for public auction, items moved and area cleaned.
From Play-parks, Whiskey Stills, food preparation areas, shops, distribution centres, aircrafts, laboratories we have got you covered and cleaned.
For assistance with Specialist Niche Cleaning & Clearing contact our team
"The team from Forensic Cleaning NI are always delighted when people get in touch especially when they recognise the need for support with a over collecting/hoard condition. Contacting Forensic Cleaning NI is the first step to create a suitable solution & we understand how hard it can be just to reach out, we pride ourselves on understanding the dynamics behind this and aim to help and support as much as possible as this all helps with the clients soothing and healing process. The sense of relief our clients get once they realise there is a solution can be overwhelming like a light at the end of the tunnel, for a fresh new chapter which beckons. Forensic Cleaning NI assures discretion, transparency & uses unmarked vehicles."
Forensic Cleaning NI can be appointed by the individual themselves, friend/family member, social workers or local council/health trust.
Forensic Cleaning NI received an out of hours phone call from a very concerned adult son worried about the condition his father had become accustomed to living in. Family home visits had been infrequent as the father had called to visit children from a distance during lockdown restrictions. The son had called to the family home and found his father living in an extremely poor state - bathroom all blocked, kitchen sink blocked, fridge broken and all the food off, bedrooms full of bottles and food debris etc etc. Sadly nothing had been addressed since the man's wife had passed.
Forensic Cleaning NI carried out a site inspection the next working day and prepared a report and estimate. Subsequently Forensic Cleaning NI was instructed to make good on the mess. Forensic Cleaning NI operatives have experience of dealing with this particular mental health condition and did so sympathetically and understood the dynamics of working swiftly but exercising maximum discretion. This approach helps the client with their healing process and Forensic Cleaning NI recognise that these displays are often a result of PTSD.
The property was handed back for redecoration etc within 48 hours of the works commencing with the hope the healing process can start with immediate effect with a now healthier home environment. As part of the after care package, a number of complementary therapy sessions were included to reduce the risk of the gentleman slipping back into the same pattern. Eventually this session was well received by the client.
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