Our company is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals.
Forensic Cleaning NI is the Premier Provider of Care, Concern, and Peace of Mind for its clients. Trauma, Death, and Crime Scene Cleaning (bio-hazard, crime scene cleanup and recovery) is only the way we convey our true product of service to families and businesses across the North & South of Ireland
and the UK.
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.
Forensic Cleaning NI are highly regarded experts in the realms of cleaning and decluttering. We want to make it clear that we do not disclose before-and-after images of our projects. We understand that visuals depicting hoarding can have enduring detrimental effects on individuals and their families who are dealing with this difficult situation.
While we acknowledge that some images may be shared with the affected individual's consent, it's important to note that this consent is frequently given when the person is not in the best state of mind. Picture dedicating yourself to the hard work of recovery and rebuilding your life, only to find your home in a troubled condition showcased on a website or social media platform. This can impede the recovery process and bring distress to extended family members as well.
Hoarding often stems from trauma, and if not managed properly, it can amplify existing trauma or even give rise to new ones. Our cleaning methodology is based on the needs of the client, making it essential for these cleans to be carried out with empathy. Otherwise, well-meaning support can unintentionally worsen the situation. No one should have to grapple with feelings of loss or shame, and we are committed to honoring our clients with respect and care.
Workplace & Offices
Norovirus Compliant Workplace & Office Audits available in line with guidelines current & pending
Crime Scenes & Trauma
Our crime scene & trauma clean up services are offered throughout Ireland by qualified & registered professionals.
We have solutions which have been UK Tested and are proven to Kill Norovirus and continue to protect against Norovirus for 24 hours following application, giving peace of mind and an effective all day solution.
Coronavirus Decontamination
In house & workplace Norovirus & Coronavirus decontamination & clean up.
Immediate and scheduled sanitisation cleaning. Homes, Hospitals, Hotels, Schools, Ships, Ambulances, Anywhere...
Specialist Solutions
We have solutions like no other offering, simple & effective. Some currently cant be published due to I.P requirements
although we can happily discuss all options.
Working as a subcontractor for many companies Forensic Cleaning NI understands the dynamics and politics in being a subcontractor to compliment the services you provide to your valued clients. As we specialise in unusual decontamination, crisis control/management and selective cleaning we only compliment and pose no threat to your staff or contract.
The content on this website is owned by FCNI Ltd. Do not copy any content (including images) without our consent.